We are looking to create 3 new community gardens on vacant lots all around the Anchorage Municipality.
Lot Owner Benefits!
- In-kind donation receipt for tax purposes
- Gardens activities insured by NeighborWorks Alaska
- Beautification of your lot
- Create a neighborhood gathering place
- Create a teaching garden
- Help with food security
Vacant Lot Criteria
Size Preference: 50 ft x 100 ft (5,000 sq ft), but any size will be considered!
Access Preference: Low traffic road with some space for parking.
Water Supply: Water source is on the lot or close by.
Fencing: Any kind of fencing of the lots is preferred, but all lots will be considered.
Commitment: Minimum 5 years.

Vacant Lot Recommendations
Spread the word and download the Lots for Plots flyer to send to people in your community.
Have a vacant lot in mind? Enter any information you have here on our Vacant Lot Information form.
Neighborhood Areas of Interest
Anchorage’s current food deserts we’d like to turn into community garden oases:
- Northeast Community Council area: North boundary is Boundary, west is Boniface, south is Debarr, east is Muldoon.
- All of Russian Jack Community Council Area.
- All of Mountain View Community Council Area.
- Airport Heights Community Council Area: north of Debarr all the way to the Mountain View border (to the north) and to the east (NE Community Council)
- All of Fairview Community Council Area.
- All of Northstar Community Council Area.
- All of Midtown Community Council Area.
- Spenard Community Council Area: east of Minnesota.
- A small slice of Turnagain Community Council Area: east of Wisconsin to the western boundary of Spenard.
- Sand Lake Community Council Area: north of International Airport, east of Spenard, south of Tudor.