Welcome! Whether you’re new to gardening or have years of experience, our network directory is the place to get help.
Sign up and this spring we’ll connect you with your neighborhood’s coach.

How to join the network
- Submit your contact information via the our Sign up form. Watch this short video for help!
- Check your email for a link to a survey. This survey has a few questions to help us get to know you and your needs better.
- Please note: For the survey, you will need to know which community council region you live in, here’s a MAP to find out.
- Once you have filled out your survey and we’ve added your information, here’s a short video on how to use the network.
- If you have a Facebook account, join us at the Anchor Gardens group.
- Not on Facebook? Don’t worry, we are working to make this website a resource for all! Meanwhile, check out the Calendar and some of the resources we have so far.