Lasagna Gardening Workshop and Work Party


1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Event Type

Join us Sunday, Sept. 15th at 1 p.m. for a free Workshop & Work Party to build a Community Garden in Fairview. 

Making Lasgana Beds. Step 1: Lay down cardboard.In this workshop we will learn how to make Lasagna Garden beds. This method of gardening requires no tilling and creates nutrient dense soil that holds water well.

Making Lasagna Bed step 2: First layer.

In place of a fee, we ask that everyone bring a material that we will use in the garden. Examples include large cardboard (with little ink), kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, spent grain from micro breweries, straw, or leaves with no poo or pesticides.

Our goal is to try to complete the building of this Community Garden in 1 day! We will have the workshop start at 1pm and start building around 2pm. We will go until we run out of material or time!!

Making Lasanga Bed step 2: This workshop is open to everyone 10 years+. Please dress appropriately for all kinds of weather. Expect to get dirty! Light food and refreshments will be available. No restrooms on site.

Please RSVP to Theresa at 907-947-8217. Exact Location and Parking instructions will then be provided.