What is a coach?
Coaches are community volunteer mentors for those who are interested in learning about growing food in their own neighborhoods. Coaches assist in linking people to resources and each other.
What is involved in being a coach?
A coach’s job is to help develop connections in their neighborhood.
Whenever a new gardener joins the network, the coach receives their survey answers and email. Please read what their needs or offerings are and reach out to them about how they can contribute or how you can find help for them. Furthermore, to make your neighborhood network more food secure, please introduce your neighbors to each other and keep those connections strong.
How do I engage with my neighbors?
Send out periodic messages to your neighborhood. Engage them: ask if they would like a seed exchange/seedling exchange/ composting workshop, tours, etc? If there’s interest, then go ahead. Greet your neighbors on the street. Invite neighbors to events. Announce the availability of resources/classes both on Email and on FB if possible. Remember, we are attempting to make Anchorage a bunch of small towns.
Coaches have the flexibility and autonomy to host local workshops, work parties or take on neighborhood projects as their own time, resources and interests allow. Coaches are leaders and are encouraged to lead.
We encourage coaches to participate in pre-planned events (staffing a booth at a Farmers Market, helping at a work party, or participating in a Roots and Shoots event) as well as networking and learning from each other.
What’s the time commitment?
It’s up to you, but the more you put in, the more yield there will be. Understand that it’s not just a club you are signing up for, it’s signing up to have an impact on Food Security in Anchorage.
Examples: Time commitment for preplanned events is 2-2.5 hours. Time commitment for coach’s meetings is 90 min. 2x a month in the summer, or as needed. Time Commitment to go to a Community Council Meeting 1hr. Time commitment to stop by and do a house call on a garden, 30 min.
Support for Coaches
We are currently developing additional resources and information for coaches. If you have ideas or suggestions, please join a Core Team meeting or share your ideas at the next Coaches Gathering (see calendar for the most up to date meeting times).
Currently available resources
Regular meetings
Coaches gather on a regular basis over zoom. This is your opportunity to hear the latest news from across Anchorage, share successes and challenges in your own neighborhood and learn new skills from your fellow coaches! Check the Calendar for dates/times of upcoming meetings.
Click here to share and read other’s ideas for coaches to connect with neighbors
Material Distribution Sites
Anchor Gardens works to provide materials for building gardens. For the 2022 gardening season, a schedule is available on the Stockpile page.
Garden Methods
In addition to the “how to” resources compiled for gardeners on the Resources page, a more detailed Zoom presentation by Michele Wilbur on “How to build a Lasagna garden” is provided here for coaches. If you are not familiar with this method of garden bed establishment, please watch this video by clicking the link and entering the access code “6T^T09$2” when prompted.

See handout on resources page.
Recruiting coaches