In-person Anchor Gardens Coaches Kick off! 


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type

Calling All Coaches!

Join us Saturday, April 5 from 1-3pm at the Anchorage Museum Seed Lab (111 W. 6th Ave., across from the Anchorage Museum at the corner of 6th Ave. and A St) to pick up your 2025 Anchor Gardens Coach supplies (yard signs, brochures, business cards, etc). Come meet your fellow coaches, get some tips on AG coaching, and help us brainstorm future events! Have questions about the network or how to find and connect with your gardeners?

Kristi and Vanessa will be on hand to show you how! Not a coach yet but “coach curious”? Stop by to learn more about being an Anchor Gardens Coach! Reach out to us before this event if you have any questions at