
Stockpiles are Open for 2023 Season!

This year we have 6 locations around Anchorage and Eagle River. Every Thursday, Theresa Brown will update the stockpile schedule and resources available at each location.

Stockpile Locations & Schedule (times good for May 20-26th)


11840 Copper Mountain Rd. Stockpile host: Emily Beaulieu.
Open Sat 8:00-10:30am and 5-8pm, Sun 12-4pm, Mon 5-8pm, Wed 5-8pm, Thurs 5-8pm. Resources include composted horse manure, free seeds. Next week mushroom substrate and rabbit poo will be available.


1709 Kepner Dr. Stockpile hosts: Kristi and Dohnn Wood
Open 9am-8pm every day until it is gone! Resources include composted manure and free seeds. 


1801 Stratford Court Stockpile hosts: Erica and Nick Lujan
Open Tues-Friday 9-11am, 11-2pm on Sat and Sun. Resources include composted manure and free seeds.


7927 Cranberry St. Stockpile host: Danna Larson
Open Saturday 11-1pm (more times will be available). Resources include composted horse manure and free seeds.


8121 Wellsley Ct. Stockpile host: Nathalie Miller
Open Saturday 4-8pm, Mon 3:00-6:3- and Wed. 3:00-6:30. Resources include composted horse manure, mushroom substrate, and free seeds.


I ST Community Garden (14th and I ST next to City Market New Sagaya). Stockpile hosts: Theresa Brown and (Volunteers)
Open Saturday 12:00-4pm, Sun 12:00-2pm, Tues 5:30-7:30, Thurs 5:30-7:30.